The Front is a band out of Kansas City, Missouri who...

Wait a minute, let me change that: The Front is a very unique, very talented band out of Kansas City, Missouri who caught the attention of the outside world in a rather fairy tale type way. When Michael Franano formed the band with his brother Bobby some five and a half years ago, he recruited some local players, recorded a demo and personally drove up to New York City to deliver it to the head of Sire Records. Some time later the tape was passed on to McGhee Entertainment and Scott McGhee, Doc's younger brother, flew down to Kansas city to hear the band live. Eight days later, a management deal was secured and The Front joined the prestigious company of Bon Jovi and Motley Crue.

"We never played clubs," Bobby Franano, keyboardist of the Front says. "We just stayed in and wrote songs. How we gathered a club following or any following for that matter was that we opened for any of the big shows when they came into town, Squeeze, Kansas, John Waite, The Romantics -- that way we'd kill two birds with one big stone.

"This town is like being in a hole with no ladder and you're trying to break out of this crevice and it's hard. We were just worried that if we started to play the local scene on that level that we'd never get out."

Franano, his vocalist brother Michael, guitarist Mike Greene, bassist Randy Jordan and drummer Shane Miller have stated that their main influences are the rock acts from the '60s. " The Doors, Led Zeppelin and the Stones," Bobby continues. "My brother and I grew up with that because my mother married a musician and whenever she'd clean the house, vacuum, do the dishes, whatever, she'd crank the Moody Blues and Cream.

Michael and I were actually flower children at one point in our lives. We wore the clothes, smoked pot, you name it."

This obviously affected The Front's music. "We don't sound like any of the bands that are out there right now, period.